The DZHW-project "WeGe" will be the first study to investigate the situation of refugees taking preparatory courses as a way into German universities. For more information click here.
The project started in April 2017 and will end in December 2020. During that time, several qualitative and quantitative surveys are planned.
The study is conducted by members of the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW GmbH) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW GmbH) carries out application-oriented empirical research in the field of higher education and the science system. It sees itself as a partner and service-provider for the world of science and scientific policy. Its research is theory-based and practice-related. The DZHW contributes its research findings to academic discourse; it is part of the scientific community. The data and analyses produced by the DZHW also support policy-makers, higher education institutions and educational management in shaping higher education in Germany and Europe. It provides important information for comprehensive, sustainable, evidence-based higher educational and educational policy.
All DZHW-members are briefed and obligated to our standards of data protection. To learn more, click click here.
Please write an e-mail to to update your address, e-mail address or name.
Results and implications will be published open accesseble in the DZHW-Brief series as well as on our blog. Furthermore we are planning several articles in academic journals.
Please contact us via e-mail at or contact one of the project members directly.